First for the THANK YOU!
My first blog post was on June 03, 2010 and on June 26, 2010 I got my first COMMENT...Happy.. Happy.. Joy..Joy!!!
It was like my birthday and Christmas all rolled into one...well at least that is what it felt like to me. Who was the bearer of that gift...the lovely Mrs. Judy from Gracious Southern Living.
Go ahead check it out, just click HERE, I'll wait for you to come back.

It was like my birthday and Christmas all rolled into one...well at least that is what it felt like to me. Who was the bearer of that gift...the lovely Mrs. Judy from Gracious Southern Living.
Go ahead check it out, just click HERE, I'll wait for you to come back.
Y'all she was already a customer of mine! How awesome is that???
We have been emailing back and forth and have plans to meet face to face..very soon I hope.
Judy told me she had taken some pictures of my booth....

and if I didn't mind she would do a post about my booth
and link it to my blog.
Oh, I don't know let me think.....are you KIDDING me!!!!
Of course I didn't mind. I was thrilled but of course I played it cool...
"Oh that would be very nice of you."
"Thank you so much."
(In actuality I'm sitting at my computer dancing in my chair.)
Here it is, the wonderful post she did about my booth and my blog. Please go on over to Judy's and check it out.
After you finish here of course.
You are in for a treat, you will also find a recipe for "Low Country Boil" some good ole' Gracious Southern Living cuisine!
If this will be your first time visiting Judy please leave a comment and tell her I sent you.
Second..the WELCOME!

If you are coming over from Judy's blog, WELCOME, please take your time and look around. Also leave me a comment and let me know you were here. Actually, WELCOME, no matter how you got here. If you're from this area and think you might be going by Consigning Interiors before the end of the month be sure to print out my Blog Coupon at the top of my side board.
It's worth 20% off anything in my booth!
Now - the NEW stuff
Just a couple of new goodies I added to my booth.

I also added this great little chair, I think I will call this rustic-chic it has great curvy lines but with a little rustic/rusty iron goodness. The door/window isn't new but isn't wonderful? It has the same small panes on the bottom as it does on the top. I keep having to talk myself out of taking it back home with me.
Well thanks for hanging in there, I know this was a long post. I really appreciate you visiting and I hope you will come back often.
Elizabeth Ann
P.S. Monday I start working a few days a week at Consigning Interiors..hopefully I'll see you there
OMG! You are soooo sweet. It just happens I'll be in Bham tomorrow (Sat) for son's b'day so I don't know if I'll have a chance to stop by but I'm planning on coming up one Monday real soon so I'll let you know about that. I'm going to e-mail you about something in your booth!
I'm just loving that I recently discovered your blog! I just won my first (maybe only) BLOG AWARD. I am to share it with 15 people and I chose you as I really enjoy your blog. Please don't feel you have to participate, however, because as I understand it some bloggers don't like to deal with awards. I felt I needed to try it at least once since someone was kind enough to visit my blog and share with me. See my blog to better understand.
ReplyDeleteI love your friend and I discussed recently yours was the first one we went to when shopping at C.I.'s Love the white woven basket on the baker's rack...and I bought your birdcage a while back. :)
ReplyDeleteWell, here I am commenting again on the same post. I am missing you. If you are like me you sometimes have BLOGGERS BLOCK and don't know what to write about. Lately I've had it bad! But I did post something new (not earth-shattering) last night. I imagine most get bored with my little space but I'm having fun with it! Hope to hear from you soon!
ReplyDeleteAnonymous, thank you so much for visiting my blog, my booth and for buying something! I like that basket also, it is hard sometimes not to keep everything I purchase for the booth. Hope you stop by again very soon.
ReplyDeleteCheri, you are so sweet, thank you so much for the words of encouragement. You were correct I did have a little bit of BLOGGERS BLOCK plus a case of being extremely busy. And I don't get bored with your blog. Even if I don't know someone I still enjoy reading, especially when it is well written and that would be the case with your blog.
Thanks to everyone for reading and visiting my booth.
You have such an eye and gift for making something great into something fabulous!